What is Intellectual Disability?
Persons with Intellectual Disability face limitations in two areas :
Intellectual functioning or Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
The ability to learn, reason, make decisions and solve problems
Adaptive Behaviour
Skills necessary for day-to-day life like communicating effectively, intra-personal interactions and taking care of oneself
With better understanding and the improvement in science and technology it has now become possible to help these ‘special children’ adapt and cope better with the challenges posed by the disorder and lead near normal lives.
To enable such ‘special children’ to adapt and lead near normal lives, the first step is to be able to properly identify the inherent quality embedded in them and designing an individual program that gives them the best chance to reshape their lives.
Special educators can help in identifying the inherent qualities and designing the individual program. However, the success of the program depends to a certain extent on the co-operation and active participation of the caregivers. To help the caregivers in this aspect, the individual progam is explained to them and if found necessary special counselling should be provided.
Why a special school?
Intellectual Disability (called Mental Retardation or Mentally challenged earlier) is not a disease but only a disorder.
Once this subtle difference is recognised, it necessarily follows that rather than searching for a miracle cure one needs to find ways and means to cope with the disorder. It is quite common to find that persons with Intellectual Disability are also physically challenged making the situation all the more difficult for the person and the caregivers.
It is to help these special children and their care givers that a special school becomes necessary
Vruksh – a school for special children was born out of the innate desire,of a TV news presenter turned special educator, to make the lives of persons with Intellectual Disability more meaningful and enjoyable. Being a parent of a special child, gave her the added advantage and necessary insight into the plight of not only the special children but also the caregivers.
Where is vruksh located
Who can join the school
How can joining Vruksh help?
For special children below 6 years Special Education, Speech Therapy, Sensory Integration, Occupational Therapy and need-based-Physiotherapy are provided.
For special children above 16 years of age pre-vocational training is imparted. Training is imparted to use a calculator and spread-sheet in computer, identifying various products and in weighing and packing them. These skills open up the prospect of working in a departmental store.
These special children are also trained to make artificial flowers, jewellery and paper bags which could be a way to become self-employed.
Exposing them to help in day-to-day household chores like dish washing, making rotis, taking care of the kitchen garden, cleaning and seperating the vegetables etc., enhances their self-esteem.
Apart from the regular activities that form part of the Individual Education Programme, these special children also celebrate festivals and anniversaries by participating in cultural activities.
To help caregivers cope with the stress and strain of helping these special children cope with their disorder, psychological counselling sessions are also made available.
Being run under the aegis of the a charitable trust, free education is provided to deserving special children.
When was the school started?
When are students admitted?