A seed that is planted puts out roots and shoots in search of water and sunlight. In the initial stages, it needs to be watered and nutured to become strong enough to be able to support itself independently.
In a similar manner with nothing but a dream and determination to make the dream come true, the seed of Vruksh was planted in July 2011. The dream was to create a facility for special children to help them become self reliant in a sustained way.
Today as we step into our twelfth year, we look back with a lot of gratitude and a sense of achievement.
Gradtitude for the tremendous encouragement, support and nuturing we have received from parents, friends, neighbours, officers and managers in both the government and private sectors besides a host of small businessmen who have lent a supporting hand when we needed it.
The sense of achievement comes when we see that having started with seven students and a special educator, Vruksh today supports around 56 students and has 3 special educators, 2 physio therapists, 1 speech therapist, 1 occupational therapist, 10 graduate teaching assistants and 3 cleaning staff.
In terms of infrastructure also we have grown from just 2 tables and 10 chairs, (just sufficient to seat the seven students and the special educator) to a well equipped facility to cater to the needs of persons with special needs.
Having been at the receiving end of charity, we understand and appreciate how necessary a helping hand is for some sections of society. Vruksh started offering free education to three persons with special needs eight years ago and today that support group has quadrupled.
The sense of achievement is heightened when we see the improvement in the students who have come to our school.
As we step into the tenth year, we re-dedicate ourselves to making our dream of making persons with special needs become self-reliant in a sustained way. We are determined to make this dream come true for many more persons with special needs.
With the words “Team work makes our dream work” driving us forward, we seek your good wishes and encouragement to make the world a better place for the persons with special needs.

Physical Therapy
The special child’s is physically examined to determine the level of difficulties in movement. This helps our therapists to customise a program to help the child with posture, strength, balance and safe independent mobility.

Sensory Integration Activities
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Speech Language Therapy
Speech Therapy focuses on improving the child’s ability to communicate through receptive language and expressive language skill development. According to the child’s speech or language disorder, our therapists apply different techniques and games to improve the pitch, fluency and volume.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy service focuses on helping kids and all age groups improve their daily living skills and behavioural management. This deals more with fine motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, cognitive skills, and sensory-processing deficits.We evaluate the child’s skills and address hand-eye coordination to improve kids’ play skills (hitting a target, batting a ball, Mix and match, puzzles, etc.). For special children who have sensory and attentional issues therapy to improve focus and social skills is provided. Therapy to help special children hone their fine-motor skills enables them to grasp and release toys.